Our Story

DGM was formed in 1999 by Wall Street professionals with the express interest of bringing institutional products, research, advice and money management to individuals who were not institutional investors by nature. At the time, most of Wall Street was based upon a commission structure that focused on selling products to clients. Feeling there was a better way, DGM became an early advocate of the RIA structure, which makes us fiduciaries to the clients. As a Registered Investment Advisor, we are independent and thus have been able to offer clients advice free of any of the conflicts of interest that have been shown to hamper many of Wall Street's bigger brokerages. Our monthly newsletter has been available for over twenty years, and there are no impediments to us “telling it like it is.” Everything we do is fee-based on assets under management so as our clients’ assets grow, our fee does as well. There are no other commissions or remuneration for the firm for anything else. We are truly on the same side of the table as you, and our paths are aligned; grow the assets with an appropriate plan designed specifically for each individual investor.

Listening to our clients’ needs is the cornerstone of everything we do at DGM. There is no cookie-cutter model; our approach to wealth management enables clients to pursue their professional and personal goals, and to prepare for the future while preserving their purchasing power over time. This begins with a risk-assessment of each client to understand and quantify their objectives and the risk, or lack thereof, that individual is willing to assume to reach those goals. Understanding each person’s risk threshold, goals and concerns provides a foundation for clear communication on the road ahead. The Founders’ intent was always to deliver the best, most straightforward advice, while developing deep personal relationships that support long-standing friendships.

Our Wealth Management Team develops a plan, based on this quantified risk assessment, that our clients can understand and adopt as their own.We actively draw upon the expertise of our firm’s different disciplines and partners to provide the planning needed to ensure solutions that will span generations. We believe in the power of using ETFs to help develop a portfolio that will be tax-friendly, diversified, and low-fee. DGM and their trusted partners offer not only investment advice, but also advice involving taxation, estate planning, and other areas of expertise to be certain that short-term solutions do not eclipse long-term objectives and strategies of our clients. Life will throw obstacles at you and one needs to be able to not just have a plan, but get back on course when the winds blow you in a different direction. That’s where we come in-we will help in real time no matter what the markets-or life-brings you. Consider us your guide down the path of life. Helping others achieve their goals is our goal, and we walk together with you each step of the way.

Our Values

Our mission is to be a wealth advisory firm that truly understands what matters most to our clients and act a thoughtful steward of their complete financial picture. We aim to provide an emotionally and financially rewarding work environment that balances a desire for excellence and personal growth with the importance of family and community.

The client comes first.

Everything we do centers around the fact that the client always is first and foremost. By being an independent RIA, we avoid all conflicts of interest and do everything in the client’s best interests. We look at a client’s entire picture and design a bespoke plan for that individual only.

We love what we do.

As the old expression goes, “When you love your work you never really work.” From the intellectual challenges of managing money and adapting to the ever changing financial cycles we collectively face with the markets as they change to helping clients achieve their goals, we feel like we have the best job in the world. We are on call 24/7/365 not because we have to but because we want to.

Information is Power.

We believe that the more information we can provide our clients, the better the outcomes will be for everyone involved. We have written our in-house newsletter for twenty years and with that in mind, and are always sending market updates at times where investors may have questions or concerns. We pay for research and information from some of Wall Street’s best sources so we can pass that along to you as well.

Independence is Freedom.

By being a Registered Investment Advisory, we have a fiduciary obligation to always put the client first. We have all the benefits of partnering with a major custodian while having none of the negatives of having to answer to a major investment firm. We only answer to our clients, one individual at a time.


We know that the markets, like life, can throw up obstacles to one’s plans for the future. Thus, we believe in communicating as much as possible through as many sources as possible to our clients as to what is happening, what our plans are, and any changes that may be needed. Whether it is a newsletter, a text, a phone call or a social media post, we believe that in this case, more is better when it comes to keeping our clients informed.