Bespoke Wealth Management

While many investors see the money management process as the buying and selling of securities, we believe the process begins by getting to know each individual personally, by listening to their goals and concerns. We create a path to achieving their goals, and while money management plays a big part in that process, so does tax planning, estate planning, retirement services, insurance, and education solutions-to name but a few.

At the heart of proper management is the relationship we have with each individual, so they know that they can reach out to us whenever life throws a curve at one’s plans. This could be a job-related event, a healthcare issue, or one of life’s rites of passage, like a child’s wedding. We are here to make sure you stay on path.

And while there are no cookie-cutter portfolios or platforms from us, there are certain beliefs that hold true for how we manage everyone’s assets. Where possible, we try to minimize taxes so that more money goes in your pocket and not the government’s. We often use low-cost ETFs to diversify and cast a wide net as a part of a portfolio; these allow for “tax-friendly” sales in our control as well as lower fees than mutual funds. Lastly, we will ensure that no one investment ever dominates a portfolio and puts you at risk from achieving your goals. Diversification is paramount to what we do.

Lastly, money management does not necessarily end when you get to your long-term goal. The road to perfection is always under construction, and a new set of goals and challenges may likely emerge. That could include proper estate and tax planning, as well as legacy-defining gift giving. You can count on life constantly changing, and when it does, you can also rest assured that DGM will be there to help lead the way.

Discover how we can help you achieve your goals.

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